Love Works

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2024

Where are all the single ladies? Statistically, 30% of women in their 40's, 50's, and beyond are single. For 7 years that was me. By the time I was 40 I had 3 boys and 2 ex-husbands. I really thought it was too late for me, I had blown my chance at my happily ever after. My parents were married over 50 years, I had always thought that would be my story, but it didn't look that way.

After my second divorce I was dating, if you want to call it that. You could also call it bad decisions. I was looking for a man to give me my value, to make me feel worthy. The problem is that I didn't know what that even looked like. Did it look like someone texting "Good morning beautiful"? Was it sex? Definitely not.

I was putting God expectations on a man. The only one that can give me my value is the one that created me. When you give someone permission to give you your value, you also give them permission to take it away. I needed to discover who I was in Christ. If I don't know who I am, how can someone else get to know the real me?

I spent most of my life trying to be who I thought someone else wanted or needed me to be and I lost me in the process. In order for me to have a real relationship with someone else, I first leaned into my relationship with God. I took time to discover who I am authentically, what my values are, and I learned that what I desire matters. I had struggled to even decide what I wanted to eat, let alone make decisions on the big things. I learned so much about my own identity and purpose. I also learned to be content and have a full life outside of the man in my life. That was big for me!

God is so good! He is a redeemer. With Him it is never too late to have and be all that He has for me, and the same is true for you. 7 years after my second divorce, I got to marry the man of my dreams! He is more than I ever thought possible. I will be sharing much more here in hopes that our story will bring you hope. God is no respecter of persons, if He did it for me, He will do it for you!

If you want to know the rest of the story, Richard and I wrote a book called The Right Combination - Finding Love and Life after Divorce. I hope you enjoy it!


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