speaking inquiries

Are you Brave enough to be all that God created you to be?

I would love to be a part of your next women's event!

Hi! I'm Barbie Armenta.

My passion is for women in their 40's, 50's and beyond to have and be all that God created them to be. That comes from knowing who you are and having the courage to be seen, known, and loved.

I call it putting your BRAVE on.

Learn more

Beautiful Restored Authentic Vulnerable Empowered

I would love to be a part of your next event! I have spoken for women's ministries, organizations, and retreats, I cannot wait to hear what you are up to and if it would be a fit for us to work together.

I am happy to supply references for all of the above. I am a regular contributor on Good Morning Texas as well as other morning shows across Texas.

I personally host an annual women's event called The Brave Gathering.

My husband and I also speak together and published a book with Kregel Publishing: The Right Combination - Finding Love and Life after Divorce

Speaker Inquiry

Tell me more about you!


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I am so excited to have you as a part of this Brave Community!