Let's GO!

Tired of Feeling Frustrated, unfulfilled,or maybe just bored in your own life?



Too many women take themselves out of the game because they think it is too late. Maybe you feel like you have done the thing. Raised the kids and had the career. There is still so much life to live! 

It’s Time To make the second half the best half

Unlock my best life now










YML Your midlife Academy

What if you could take a midlife Gap Year?

A year ON to Reset, Realign, and Reimagine your life.

It's one year, 90 days at a time. 90 days can change your life! 

  • change old patterns and find new rhythms.
  • stop trying to be everything to everyone.
  • release the anti-age narrative and embrace who you are today.

It’s time to live with authenticity and purpose like never before.

MODULE #1 - Identity

Get to know yourself. Rediscover or discover for the first time, who you are and how to authentically be all that you were created to be.

MODULE #2 - Wellness

Living your best life in midlife is a holistic approach. God has so much more for you, so let's find rhythms in how to eat and move in ways that work for you. It is not about rules and shame, it is taking care of you.

MODULE #3 - Purpose

You were created on purpose for a purpose. When you are in alignment you will have more energy and fulfillment. Let's explore this together.

MODULE #4 - Relationships

Family, friends, spouses, ex's, and extras. It can be overwhelming trying to maneuver it all. Many of us will try to be everything to everyone. Let's work on being the best you in all of these situations. Making friends in midlife can also be challenging, we will address that for sure!

Weekly teaching

You will receive a video teaching every Monday diving into our weekly topic. I know you have a busy life; you will be able to watch when it fits your schedule.

A new workbook  each quarter.

Each quarter you will receive a 40 page downloadable workbook. This workbook will be a companion to your weekly teaching.

Community group

We are stronger together. You will be a part of a like-minded community of women all on a unique midlife journey. You will get support, encouragement, and inspiration.



Put the techniques you learn into practice during group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own journey.

Before each group session, you’ll have workbook pages to do. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to class, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. Most women find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives. Replays will always be available if you miss a week. We can gain so much from hearing another women be coached.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

Putting my Brave on!

Hi! I'm Barbie

I get how frustrating it is to get to a place 

in your life where you don't even know who you are anymore...

and feel like you don't know where to even start and it looks like everyone else has figured it out. That's how I felt. 


 After going through 2 divorces, I thought it was too late for me. I counted myself out. But God didn't.

 The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10

In the last decade I married the man of my dreams, healed my body of autoimmune disease, became a published author, founded Brave 1, launched The Brave Gathering. and became Mimi to 6 grandkids.

When I thought it was too late, God still had an abundant life for me.

He has an abundant life for you!


Here is my secret.


Stay focused on God and stop self-sabotaging what He is trying to bless you with.

I found freedom in Christ, and I believe my purpose is to help you do the same. To embrace your gifts and to walk confidently in authenticity and purpose.

When we get to midlife, we have been through so many changes and transitions. I believe this season can be your moment. No more worrying about what everyone else is thinking and doing, but embracing who you are and what you were created to do. 

This season has come with a new level of confidence and a desire to live out loud. I decided to embrace my silvers and stop being anti my age. I don't want to go back; I want to live my life fully today while still having hope for the future! My midlife is unique and so is yours! 

“You get to choose between acceptance and uniqueness. If you are addicted to affirmation, you will become what others want you to be rather than who you were created to become”.
- Erwin McManus

You are amazing! There is no time to play small in your life. 

I am cheering you on as you venture into this new season. 

A midlife gap year is a time to reset, realign. and reimagine your life. It is not striving and struggling. It is more about surrender. t takes less effort to be authentically you. It is finding rhythms that feel good for you. The bible calls it the rhythm of grace.

I do not take it likely that you would choose to spend this year together and with this community. I have invested so much in creating a program that I know makes a difference and will walk with you each step of the way!

I am excited for you and your journey to a midlife that you love!


It’s your midlife  Make it unique   Brave on


Creating a life I'm excited about!

What people are saying:


I’m so glad I took Barbie's course. I learned so much about myself. I gained the courage to take steps to pursue dreams I never thought were actually possible.


Barbie has a way of rekindling passion and purpose within you. It’s liberating and the results are real and tangible.





Many women Get to midlife and are unclear who they are or if their life has meaning. 

A lack of clarity can keep you from living your life to the fullest. Because they feel lost, women will struggle to make a positive impact in their home, workplace, or with themselves. 

YML Academy is a year that can change your life. The premise is simple: Identify where your limiting beliefs come from, release the lies that you mistook for truth, begin to see your true self, identify your values and what makes you unique, and develop a mindset that moves you into your most fulfilling life.

We look at who you were, who you are, and who you want to be in the areas of identity, wellness, purpose, and relationships. Let’s stop compartmentalizing our lives and holistically live life to the fullest. 

Unlock my confidence!

The YML Academy is not for everybody. But it could be for you if… 

  • You have hit midlife, and it doesn’t look like you thought, and you need a new vision.
  • You are ready for a change but unclear what to do next.
  • You are trying to please everyone, but it’s not pleasing you. 
  • You have patterns that are no longer serving you and you want to live with purpose.
  • It is time to let go of lies and walk in truth. Your life is happening to you, and you are ready to find a new rhythm.

What's included

  • You will receive a downloadable 40-page workbook each quarter to use throughout the course.
  • Create your profile in our membership area to access the weekly videos.
  • Join the online community to start creating connection with women like you that are ready to have a more fulfilling life.
  • Join our weekly zoom calls for group coaching. All calls will be recorded in case you miss.
  • During our year together, I will also be active in the group answering questions and giving encouragement. We are in this together.

*The Special Bonuses*


I believe that YML Academy is the culmination of all that I have learned through the years and I am beyond excited to bring it to you! This year will be packed full of so many amazing things that have been proven through the years in my own life and the lives of my clients. I invite you to pioneer with me. As a founding member you will receive so many amazing extras! I look forward to being able to share these and so much more with you!




That's right! You join once and you stay as long as you like. This is your journey, so why put a time limit on it. All the videos, the group coaching, and the community group will be lifetime access for all founding members. Identity, wellness, purpose, and relationships, we will cover it all!  




Free future content

As a founding member you will get free access to all future teachings from me and any special guest within the course. So many great teachings are already in there, but there is for sure even more to come. I do not want you to miss it!




4 printed

40 page workbooks

you will have a downloadable copy, but I want to get a workbook in your hands each quarter this year. If you are like me, I like to put pen to paper. I also love to get mail! I have spent so much time putting so much value into each book. I can't wait for you to have them in your hands.


Begin Your Journey today!

YML Academy 1 year program


One time payment

  • $2497   Founding member price $1997
  • 1 year program in (4) 90 day segments. ($7400 value) 
  • Access to weekly teaching videos ($2400 value)
  • Downloadable quarterly 40+ pages workbooks ($200 value)
  • Live Group Coaching once a week. ($4800)
  • Membership into the Brave Community (priceless)
  • As a Founding member you also get all 3 BONUSES!
  • Lifetime access to the Brave community* All current teachings * All future teachings within the YML Academy* and you will receive printed workbooks in the mail quarterly for a year.* 
Join by Jan 25th to receive your 1st workbook



YML Academy 1 year program


4 payments no extra charge

  • $2497   Founding member price $1997
  • 1 year program in (4) 90 day segments. ($7400 value) 
  • Access to weekly teaching videos ($2400 value)
  • Downloadable quarterly 40+ pages workbooks ($200 value)
  • Live Group Coaching once a week. ($4800)
  • Membership into the Brave Community (priceless)
  • As a Founding member you also get all 3 BONUSES!
  • Lifetime access to the Brave community* All current teachings * All future teachings within the YML Academy* and you will receive printed workbooks in the mail quarterly for a year.* 
Join by Jan 25th to receive your 1st workbook
Enroll Now


I want you to be completely happy! 

If you have watched the videos and completed the workbooks and still feel that this course was not as represented, I will be happy to refund your money.